
AFFILIATION WITH THE FÉDÉRATION DE NATATION DU QUÉBEC (FNQ): All swimmers in the club must be affiliated with the FNQ, competitive or non-competitive. When you register, the non-competitive affiliate fee will automatically be added to your invoice. At the start of the season, a coach will present how the competitions work and you can then decide if you (or your child) want to participate. If so, then we will charge you the affiliate price difference.

1. Natation adultes (maîtres nageurs)

2. P'tits monstres : initiation à la natation (niveau 1)

3. Memphrés de Bronze : développement (niveau 2)

4. Memphrés d'Argent : développement (niveau 3)

5. Memphré d'Or : développement (niveau 4)

Compétitions (frais de participation)

Nageurs collégiaux